Long-term Partnership with MIT
Aiming to facilitate Taiwan’s industrial development and promote regional economic prosperity, the Epoch Foundation bridges resources from the world’s top-notch academic institutes. Our partner is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). We regularly introduce the latest technologies and training programs, for Taiwan industries to engage with the global economy.


Industrial Liaison Program
Industry Affiliates Program
Executive Education Program
Epoch-MIT/Taiwan’s Innovative
Green Economy Roadmap (TIGER)
MIT is known for its innovative tech developments. It has the most outstanding faculty and R&D teams, across hundreds of labs in 33 departments at six schools. Throughout the years, the MIT has “incubated” 95 Nobel Prize winners, plus countless authorized patents. Other than academic research, it is the institute’s tradition to collaborate with industries and cultivate entrepreneurs. According to a survey conducted by Entrepreneurship and Innovation at MIT in 2015, the institute’s alumni have founded more than 30,000 companies in total, which have generated more than 4.6 million jobs and business revenues worth US$1.09 trillion every year.
The MIT ILP was founded in 1948. At the time, the U.S. government entrusted MIT to carry out major R&D projects and allowed private companies to utilize the results. And since 1993, the MIT Industrial Liaison Program, jointly hosted by MIT and the Epoch Foundation, have enabled 20 leading companies in Taiwan to access top-notch technologies, resources for developing applications, and updated knowledge management as well as business strategies. The program serves as an important “gate” for member companies to grasp the latest global R&D trends and market tendencies, as well as to expand its global horizons. As of now, more than 400 representatives have visited MIT for the talks, conferences, and tailormade programs held in Boston, USA, where MIT is located.
【2019 MIT ILP-Epoch 台灣年會】Less Artificial, More Intelligence: Challenges of AI as a New Industry


The world’s most important R&D center for information technology and artificial intelligence, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, has set many landmarks in these two fields. In recent years, MIT CSAIL also leads research and industry trends in Internet communications, World Wide Web, speech recognition, computational biology, touch user interface, computer vision, etc. These technologies have triggered a new set of tech revolutions.
In 1998, the Epoch Foundation, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and MIT AI Lab launched the Epoch-MIT/CSAIL Industry Affiliates Program, for Taiwanese companies to send staff to the two labs and take part in the R&D there.
In June 2000, through the program, Delta Electronics and Acer joined the Oxygen Alliance to develop a new-generation computer that caters to people’s needs with HP (Hewlett-Packard), Nokia, Philips, and NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation).
In 2005, Quanta Computer collaborated with CSAIL on the Project TParty. In 2010, they signed an R&D plan named Qmulus and in 2019, they continued the R&D project under the theme of AI Medicine. These have served as a solid foundation for Taiwan to stand out in the global information technology community.
(*Note: MIT LCS and MIT AI Lab merged in 2003, to form the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, CSAIL)


『The Epoch Foundation sponsored the Asia Pacific Initiative of the MIT Sloan School of Management. The project researched the economic imperatives in Asia and aimed to assist Asian countries with stipulating economic policies. Valuable reports on Asian industries were also provided. The initiative promoted the most effective collaboration models among Asian countries.
The Epoch Foundation provides sponsorship to the initiative in hopes that it can look at the policies and development of the industries in Taiwan. For now, the MIT Sloan School of Management offers short, medium and long-term executive education programs, for companies to train mid-level to senior executives.


Founded by 20 major companies in Taiwan in 1991, the Epoch Foundation facilitates Taiwan’s industrial development and promotes regional economic prosperity. Since then, it has been working with the best universities around the world, such as MIT, to carry out industry-academia collaboration projects. This has enabled domestic companies to take part in top-notch global tech exchanges by sending senior employees to receive training overseas. With the collaboration with renowned universities, Taiwan’s industry enables to transform and invest in new resources to strengthen business grounds.
In 1998, we initiated the Epoch School, aiming at cultivating talents for our society. More than 3,000 students have benefited from our programs, and more than 80 outstanding startups have been established by the alumni. In 2008, we started supporting startups; in 2012, we launched Garage+ to incubate entrepreneurs. Garage+ is the only zero-equity incubator in Asia to support altruism-driven technology start-ups to better the world. Since 2015, the Startup Global Program hosted by Garage+ had received nearly 2,000 applicants from over 70 countries around the world. Thousands of one-on-one meetings have been facilitated with potential investors and cooperation partners, resulting in one-third of these startups having found investors and cooperation opportunities both in Taiwan and abroad. Over the past 30 years, more corporations have been supporting Epoch Foundation. With the services of Epoch Foundation, Taiwan’s industry allows leveraging the resources of international top-notch universities, further develops innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as supports cultivating young talents. We aspire to instill living energy to society for its sustainable development and build a better future together.


Since 2006, the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) has become MIT’s hub for energy research, education, and outreach. Through these three pillars, MITEI plays a catalytic role in accelerating responses to the many challenges facing the global energy system. MITEI’s mission is to mobilize the research vision, expertise, experience, talent, creativity and capabilities of MIT to address changing and increased energy needs in an environmentally responsible manner.

In furtherance of this mission, Taiwan’s Innovative Green Economy Roadmap (TIGER) Consortium focuses on engaging Taiwan’s industry leaders and MIT experts in developing a long-term robust roadmap for Taiwan in its transition to a green economy based on innovative low-carbon technologies.

TIGER Project goals
  • Update Taiwan’s industrial leaders on the latest developments in the areas of advanced energy technologies, such as hydrogen, energy storage, advanced nuclear, carbon capture, and others
  • Explore tradeoffs for numerous alternative pathways of the future development of Taiwan’s industries
  • Inform members about cutting-edge energy research at MIT



Technology Review

運用 AI 開發微結構複合材料

微結構複合材料,是透過在空間中排列混合韌性及剛性材料,使其同時具耐用性和強度,經常運用在車體材料和各式零組件。過去在尋找這類型的複合結構相當耗時,需要經過反覆設計、製造及實驗。近期來自麻省理工學院電腦暨人工智慧實驗室 (CSAIL) 教授 Wojciech Matusik 及研究生 Beichen Li 組成團隊,開發了一套結合物理實驗、物理模擬及神經網路的系統。透過 AI 預測和模擬技術,減少實際需要進行物理實驗的次數。將原先需花費近月的開發流程,縮短到只需數天到數週。而這項融合物理及模擬的技術,在不同工程領域也能有所應用,如高分子化學、流體動力學、氣象學、機器人學。目前這項研究由巴斯夫歐洲公司 (BASF) 所資助,團隊未來希望能提升系統穩定性,並將整套流程從模擬、製造到測試全面自動化。


利用新 AI 模型優化機器人倉儲運行

倉儲物流自動化及機器人倉庫 (robotic warehouse) 在各產業供應鏈中日益成為重要的一環,如何高效管理大量機器人並避免碰撞成為一大挑戰。 MIT 電機工程與計算機科學博士生 Zhongxia Yan 和 MIT 土木與環境工程助理教授 Cathy Wu,設計一種新的神經網路架構,將倉庫中的機器人分組、編碼重要資訊,並預測倉庫中最需能夠緩解擁擠的區域以提高整體效率。在多個模擬環境中,如類似倉庫、有障礙物的環境,及建築內部的迷宮式環境,此學習方法比傳統方法快近四倍。 此深度學習方法也可用於其他複雜的規劃任務,如電腦晶片設計或大型建築物中的管道佈線。該研究得到 Amazon 和 MIT Amazon Science Hub 的支持。未來希望從神經模型中獲得簡單、基於規則的見解,以便於實際機器人倉庫中實施和維護。


AI 風險檢測為早期胰臟癌干預帶來新希望

胰臟癌為現有惡性腫瘤當中最嚴重、最具侵襲性且預後不佳的高度惡性疾病,五年存活率僅為 6%。至今,早期干預為最好的癌症治療方法。不幸的是,胰臟深藏於腹部,極難透過早期檢測發現癌變。麻省理工學院計算機科學與人工智能實驗室 (CSAIL) 與貝斯以色列代肯尼斯醫學中心 (BIDMC) 輻射腫瘤學系合作,開發了兩個模型:PrismNN 和 PrismLR。藉由分析個人電子健康紀錄 (Electronic Health Records, EHRs),偵測胰臟癌風險。相同的狀況下,新方法能檢測出 35% 的胰臟癌病變;傳統檢測僅能檢測出 10%。此篇研究運用大數據和人工智慧演算法,優化了人類識別癌症風險的新方法,具有早期干預的潛力。 本篇研究受 MIT CSAIL、美國國防部高級研究計劃局、波音、美國國家科學基金會、Aarno 實驗室、TriNetX 以及預防癌症基金會支持,期望透過此項技術幫助所有人擁有長壽、健康的生活。 撰寫:阮懿慈 (2023 經理人 – 國立陽明交通大學生物科技學系) 指導:黃柏勳 (2015 Epoch School 校友)

