Epoch Family

【好人快報】創業跟你想的不一樣,CEO 的必備技能是什麼?

6 月 Epoch Family 電子報發出囉!快點擊下方連結領取更多好人專屬好康👉https://twepoch.org/0630✨本期重點搶先看✨🔷【Epoch School】2023 Elevator Pitch🔷【Epoch Family】2023 時代校友歡迎趴🔷 付諸實踐的夢想家:CEO 最困難的技能是什麼?_黃文馨, 2004 Epoch Alumni🔷 徵才佈告欄:超過 500 個來自大企業及新創的工作機會,有轉職、求職需求的鄉親,千萬別錯過:📌 時代基金會:Epoch 計畫專員、財務行政專員.🔶專屬活動、職缺不漏接:登入 Epoch Family 官網註冊會員、填寫完整資料,並隨時鎖定官網、每月電子報及 FB 私密社團,發現更多職涯發展相關資訊👉 https://family.epoch.org.tw/🔶 更新 e-mail 的鄉親也請按下訂閱鍵、留下最新聯絡資訊,隨時掌握最新好康、大事~

Jun 30, 2023
Epoch Family

【Epoch Family】2023 時代校友歡迎趴

🚀 今天是YEF一年一度歡迎本屆YEFer加入Epoch Family成為好人的第一天!🎉除了介紹好人網資源外,此次特別邀請許家碩學長(2005 YEFer,聯發科 資深投資總監)與李毓晨學長(2008 Intern,Head of Shoppe Philippines)分享他們對這世代的觀察和感受:「表達跟溝通的分野」生活與職場常面臨釐清對方真正需要的價值是什麼?如何精準溝通是非常重要的能力。「運氣很重要,但努力是必備的基本」現在有很多向上的機會,但在努力這件事上有太多因素讓人分心。無論如何,小心維護、不輕言放棄每個當初攔住的機會!「謹慎所擇,愛你所擇」遺憾與失去是每個人必經的課題,在驗證和試錯過程中,對一切未知仍保持開放,將賦予你再次闖蕩世界的勇敢!此外,特別感謝今年所有輔導長們排除萬難,參與 2023 YEFer 最重要的「升級儀式」,親手為大家蓋章認證。 💯會後基金會準備了30周年小禮及拜耳提供的拜維佳,持續為大家補充滿滿能量💪

Jul 29, 2023

【Garage+】5/29 Startup Global Program Red Balloon Party

Garage+ 很榮幸邀請國家發展委員會、加拿大駐台北貿易辦事處,及智利商務辦事處一同參與紅氣球派對,與國內外新創及台灣產業交流。我們很開心得知 Stathera (S21) 獲得聯發科、台灣晶技、Seiko Epson、 BDC 及 Celesta Capital 共同投資,Garage+ 會持續鏈結台灣產業與新創共創商機!Garage+ was thrilled to host esteemed guests from National Development Council, Canadian Trade Office in Taipei, and ProChile Taiwan. The event fostered unique networking opportunities between startups and Taiwan's dynamic industries.Highlighting the event, Stathera (S21) announced investment partnerships with MediaTek Taiwan, Seiko Epson, TXC Corporation, BDC, and Celesta Capital. As always, Garage+ is dedicated to aiding startups and creating bridges to Taiwan's business landscape.Welcome to the Garage+ booth during COMPUTEX TODAY to discover the new business!

May 29, 2023

【Garage+】5/28 Startup Global Program Orientation

睽違四年,Startup Global Program 國際新創全員到齊,來台開拓商機!5/28下午舉辦說明會,邀請來自 8 國的 16 家國際新創夥伴齊聚,為即將於明天開跑的 Startup Global Program 揭開序幕!Garage+ 安排了 200+ 場商務媒合一對一會議、COMPUTEX 展覽、媒體採訪、交流晚宴,將為新創帶來無限曝光與商機。歡迎大家 5/30~6/2 COMPUTEX 來 Garage+ 展位與創業人交流。Startup Global Program is back after four years! We are thrilled to have our international startup team gathered in Taiwan to explore exciting business opportunities together. Today, we kicked off the program with an orientation, where 16 startup partners from 8 countries joined us. Garage+ has lined up over 200 business matchmaking sessions, COMPUTEX exhibition participation, media interviews, and networking dinners to provide our startups with unlimited exposure and potential. We invite you to Garage+ booth during COMPUTEX from May 30th to June 2nd. Let's make great things happen!

May 28, 2023


Epoch Visit to MIT
Speech/ Workshop
ILP Conference


Good News
Workshop/ Conference
Networking Event
Startup Global Program

Epoch School

International Professionals

Epoch Family
